Live 80/20 Fostering & Adoption Families
Project Funding: Live 80/20 Fostering & Adoption Families
Funds Required: $4,000,000,000
Based on a recent report from the Department of Agriculture, parents spend an average of $13,000 per year on a child. The survey concluded that a middle-income, married couple with two children is estimated to spend $233,610 to raise a child born in 2015 (not included any college or private education expenses). Though amounts vary based on years (teenage years tend to be more expensive than ages 6-8), if you take that number and divide it by the 17 years that the child is raised, children cost an average of $13,741 per year. While payments fluctuate across states and can vary based on the situation, the average family receives $7,500 annually for providing foster care, with some families receiving as low as $2,700 per year.
“Adoptive Families Magazine surveyed 1,100 families who adopted a child in 2012-2013.” The survey found that the average total cost of adopting a child through an adoption agency is $39,966 while independent adoption averages $34,093.
Live 80/20 will create a curriculum for host churches to implement a Foster Care and Adoption Program. This program will operate out of the church premises and will be available to all individuals who are interested in, or currently participate in foster care or adoption. Live 80/20 will provide the financial requirements to hire an employee at each participating church to organize and lead the program (larger churches may request additional financial support for additional employees and will be approved on a case by case basis).
Families that successfully follow the Foster Care and Adoption curriculum, will be eligible to receive a working annuity for their family. As part of the required curriculum, Foster Care and Adoption families will meet with a certified financial consultant and working annuity amounts will be based on their recommendation and final Live 80/20 approval. One of the requirements to receive the working annuity, as the name implies, is that one family member (father or mother) is gainfully employed.
Families that successfully follow the Foster Care and Adoption curriculum will also be eligible for two all-expenses paid vacations. One vacation will be that of the choice of the foster/adoptive child. The child will work with the Live 80/20 appointed employee of the host church and plan their family vacation. The second vacation will be one for the father and mother to take by themselves as a reprise and rest for rejuvenation. Eligible families will have the opportunity to access any of Live 80/20 compounds for a full week; all expenses paid. These trips will be organized through the Live 80/20 not-for-profit Department of Event Coordinating.