Live 80/20 seeks to meet three core needs: Missions, Education, and Health. While open to other opportunities of giving, Live 80/20 focuses its financial support to one of these three categories.
Missions: Live 80/20 has two areas of focus International Missions and Home Missions.
International Missions. Our belief many are in need and it takes those that are willing to sacrifice to serve others above themselves to meet those needs. With the Live 80/20 vision, we will help support over 2,756 Missionaries around the world in more than 257 countries that need the funds to feed, clothe, provide clean water, the medical supplies and support and the needs of those less fortunate. The Live 80/20’s purpose is to affect the world with peace, love and give hope for those that have been overlooked. We believe with the Live 80/20 model we will help millions. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20.
Home Missions. Live 80/20 believes its purpose and mission is following Matt 25. Being a good steward takes more than just understanding money, but the kingdom principals of what money is needed for. In Matt 25 right after Jesus parable about the being a good steward, he speaks about what Love really is. Love is showing these things to the least of these… when I was hungry you fed me, when I was thirsty you gave me something to drink, when I was naked you clothed me, when I was in prison and I was sick you visited and were there for me. Home Missions is loving your neighbor and showing love to them like they may never have experienced.
The Live 80/20 Department of Missions covers both international and home missions work. This includes, but is not limited to: international and domestic financial support, rest and relief services, church planting and infrastructure financial support, community projects, Love and Live communities, mentorship programs, veterans support, fostering and adoption support, and widows outreach.
Education: Education is what furthers our purpose by giving people a better future. A lot of people who are starving, homeless, in a depraved state have lacked education. We believe if we can finance the ability for missionaries and Live 80/20 Programs to not just give fish, but teach those how to fish, the work isn’t just temporary, but sustainable, for those who are receiving love. From Christian education, people learning skill trades and missionaries teaching villagers how to farm and learn English. Live 80/20 believes with education people can have the same opportunities for those who are successful in life. We believe many need the help when it comes to the education for those that don’t have the funding for the private and higher level education for the k-12. Live 80/20 will provide the supplement of those funds for those who qualify and support the academics at schools that are thriving on helping these children “For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6
At Live 80/20, we believe that education is not something to be taken for granted. The Live 80/20 Department of Educational Pursuits exists to further education through support of both schools and student families, school project funding, teacher, and staff financial supplement, student scholarships, a museum and other educational pursuits.
Healthcare: “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
Illness and disease can often feel as though they are running rampant throughout the world. It is sometimes unbearable to imagine the pain families encounter when experiencing illness in their home. The last thing a parent should think about when considering treatment for their child or loved one is whether or not they can afford it. The Live 80/20 Department of Healthcare Support works towards bearing the financial burden of medical expenses of those in need. With headquarters in Lansing, MI, the Flint Water Crisis hits close to home in regards to the evident need of clean water for Americans. The Department of Healthcare Support will fund not only the project of clean water restoration for Flint, but nationwide. Healthcare financial support outside of the United States will fall under the Missions Department of Live 80/20. Another area of support that the Department of Health will fund are mental and research healthcare facilities.
*The following funds required are based on a 10 year financial plan for each department.